Thursday, 15 November 2018

Practice Exercise in Tally.ERP9

Practice Exercise in Tally.ERP9

Practice Exercise in Tally.ERP9

Notice that Indus Enterprises is highlighted This indicates that it is the currently selected company from the list of open companies.

You can now practice selecting, closing and altering company information. Practice Exercise

(N.B-while working with Tally.ERP 9 you can press Esc to exit from any screen before the changes you have made take effect)

Practice Exercise

  1. Select a Company 
  2. Shut a Company 
  3. Alter a Company                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

To Select a Company 

1. Go to the Gateway of Tally>Alt + F3 > Company Info. > Select Company OR Press F1 Tally ERP 9 displays the List of Companies screen. All the companies created are displayed in an alphabetical order. Select the company name from the list given. Practice Exercise

2. In case two or more companies are loaded (like National Traders and Indus Enterprises), click on the company which you need to work on so that the selected company will be highlighted and will appear on top of the list. 

To Shut a Company 
Go to the Gateway of Tally>Alt+ F3> Company Info. > Shut Company. Select the Company which you need to shut from the List of Companies. You can also use Alt F1 to shut Company from the Gateway of Tally screen. Practice Exercise

To Alter Company 
Details Go to the Gateway of Tally > Alt+ F3 Company Info. > Alter. Select the company which you need to alter from the List of Companies and press Enter to view the Company Alteration screen. Alter the company details as required and accept the screen. Practice Exercise

Working with Multiple Companies in Tally erp9

Working with Multiple Companies in Tally erp9

Working with Multiple Companies in Tally erp9

2.3.3 Working with Multiple Companies 

For a group of companies, you can maintain the details of each company separately. You can select the company to work with and close the company when it is not required. However, you can also open many companies at the same time and switch between companies without closing the application. Working with Multiple Companies 

2.3.4 Exercise to Create another Company 

Before looking at how to view and amend company details, let us create another company to experiment with. Name your company as Indus Enterprises, Financial Year as 1 April 2009 & Book beginning from 1 April 2009 and you may enter the company details as you like, Working with Multiple Companies  

To create Indus Enterprises follow this procedure:

  1. From the buttons bar select Alt+ F3: Create Cmp or simply press Alt + F3 to bring up the Company Info. Menu .
  2. Select Create Company from the menu to bring up the Company Creation screen .
  3. Enter Indus Enterprises in the Name field and experiment with entering other data of your choice (for example, the address details) 
  4. When you have finished, Press Y or Enter to accept the scree

Base Currency Information in Tally ERP 9

2.3.2 Base Currency Information 

Tally.ERP 9 need to know the default currency for the company and how amounts should be shown on the screen and in the reports.

Base currency information 

Fields                                                                               Description      

Base currency symbol  Pre-set as a default currency -Rs. (as specified earlier) 

Formal name
Complete name for the currency symbol By default, this is set to Indian Rupees. 

Number of decimal places
By default, this is set to 2. 

Is symbol suffixed to amounts?
By default, this is set to No For example in India, we place the Rs symbol in front of amounts. 

Symbol for Decimal portion
Enter the decimal portion for the currency mentioned Enter Paise.

Show amounts?
Tally ERP 9 caters to currencies where the different parts of large amounts are called by special names By default, this s set to No.

Put a space between amounts and symbol?
By defoult, this is set to Yes

Decimal Places for Printing Amounts in words
You can specify the number of decimal places to print the amount in words. This number should be equal to or lesser than the number specified in Number of Decimal places field   

Let us create a company in Tally.ERP 9 taking the example of National Traders who purchases customers. Create a Computer equipment, components and software and sells it to other companies and to the direct customers. Create a Company as per information provided below:

Go to the Gateway of tally >Company Info>Create Company
Enter the following information to create a company:

  • Press Y or Enter to accept the screen.                                           
The Gateway of Tally screen will appear as shown below:

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Wichh Menu Appears After Starting Tally For The Fast Time in Tally ERP 9

2.3 Creation/ Setting up of in Tally.ERP 9

Wichh Menu Appears After Starting Tally For The Fast Time The fast step towards understanding Tally.ERP 9 is to create a company in Tally.ERP 9 Create a company using the Company Creation screen. Starting Tally For The Fast Time 

2.3.1 Creation of a Company 
Go to Gateway of Tally. >Creation Company 

The Company Creation screen displays as shown.

Wichh Menu Appears After Starting Tally For The Fast Time

Each field in the Company Creation screen is explained below. To navigate between the fields, use the enter key or the tab key or arrow keys or the mouse. Wichh Menu Appears After Starting Tally For The Fast Time

Field                                                     Description                            


Tally.ERP 9 assumes that the company is to be created in the data path given in the Tally.INI file, which displayed by default. This field is skipped by default. This field is skipped by default. However, you can change this path, if you want by using the backspace key, so that Tally.ERP 9 saves the data to a directory specified by you.


This specifies the name of company as it appears in Tally.ERP 9. If you have several companies to create with similar names, you will have to distinguish between them to provide a unique name for Tally.ERP 9 . Starting Tally For The Fast  

Mailing NameThe company name given in the Name fled automatically appears in this field. This can be changed according to your requirements The correct name of the company for mailing purposes should be entered.


The address of the company (The mailing name and address details are picked from tere for any report such as balance sheet and statement of accounts). 

Statutory Compliance for
Select India from the list of countries. Starting Tally For The Fast 

Select the appropriate State from the list of States. 

Pin Code
Enter the PIN code of the specified address. 

Telephone No.
Enter the telephone number of the company. 

E-mail address will be used to e-mail documents, reports and data from Tally ERP 9.

Mobil No
Enter the mobile number of the company. Starting Tally For The Fast. 

Currency Symbol
This refers to the currency symbol Tally ERP 9 will use for monetary values By default, Tally.ERP g displays Rs. 

Select the nature of the company i.e, Accounts only or Accounts with Inventory. 

Financial Year From
Specify the Financial Year (FY) for the company. Tally .ERP considers 12 months from the date you give here as the Financial Year. For example, if you give 1st April 2009, your FY will be April March-in this case, ending with 31st March 2010. 

Books Beginning From

The date given for Financial Year From is automatically displayed. However, we can specify the actual date on which the books accounts start. In case our accounts are opened mid-way during the financial year specified, we can enter the required date and start the books of accounts accordingly. Starting Tally For The Fast 

TallyVault Password

TallyVault is an enhanced security feature ulil company data in an encrypted form by means of a Password. The TailyVault password entered ensures that the data is maintained permanently in an encrypted form without retaining information of the password used. Data is not accessible without the TallyVault password. Remember to keep this password private and known only to those who need to know. If the passworc is lost, ycur data cannot be recovered 

Use Security Control

Tally ERP 9 has a range of security controls , which can define the authority of various users to access the information and to enterl alter/celete the vouchers. Starting Tally For The Fast Time 

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Tally.ERP 9 Screen Components

2.2.2 Tally.ERP 9 Screen Components 


  • Title bar: Displays the Tally.ERP 9 version number.
  • Horizontal button bar: Selection of Language key, Keyboard Language and Tally.ERP 9 help.
  • Close button bar: Performs the Windows Operating Systems function (Windows 95 onward) allowing you to minimize Tally.ERP 9 and work on other applications. To restore Tally.ERP 9  click the Tally.ERP 9 icon on the taskbar. 
  • Gateway of Tally : Displays menus, screens reports and choices and options which you select to view data as required. 
  • Buttons toolbar: Displays buttons which provide quick interaction with Tally.ERP 9 . Only buttons relevant to the current task are visible.
  • Calculator Area: Used for Calculator functions. 
  • Info Panel: Displays Version number, License details, Configuration details.     

2.2.3 Mouse/Keyboard Conventions

While working with Tally.ERP 9 , use the following conventions.



Press the left mouse button


Press and release the left mouse button twice without moving moving then mouse
pointer off the item.
Choose Position the mouse pointer on the item and click the left mouse button.
Select Position the mouse pointer on the item and double click the left mouse button.
Press Use the keys on the keyboard in the combination shown.
Fn Press the function key.
Fn Press ALT + function key.
Fn Press CTRL + function key.

2.2.4 Switching betwen Screen Areas   

When Tally.ERP 9 first loads the Gateway of Tally screen displays. To toggle between this screen and the Calculator/ODBC server area at the bottom of the screen, press Ctrl+N or Ctrl+M as indicated on the screen. A green bar highlights the active area of the screen. 

2.2.5 Quitting Tally.ERP 9

You can exit the program from any Tall.ERP 9 screen, but Tally. ERP 9 requires all screens to be closed before it shuts down.

To quit working on Tally.ERP 9,
  • Press Esc until you see the message Quit? Yes or No ? Press Enter or Y, or click Yes to quit Tally.ERP 9.
  • Alternatively, to exit without confirmation, press Ctrl+Q from Gateway of Tally.
  • You can also press Enter while the option Quit is selected from Gateway of Tally.

Types of Payroll Attendance Disable in Tally ERP 9
Types of Payroll Attendance Disable in Tally ERP 9

2.1.4 Payroll

Taly ERP 9 Payroll is integrated with Accounting and benefits the user by simplifying Payroll processing and accounting,. Tally ERP 9 Payroll enables users to set up and implement salary structures, ranging from simple to complex, as per the organisation's requirements. The user can also align and automate payroll processes directly integrate them with main stream account ing applications. Tally ERP 9 Payroll also supports configurable formats for payslip printing flexible salary/wage, attendance , leave and overtime registers: gratuity and expat reports. Types of Payroll 

2.1.5 Data Migration Capability 

Tally ERP 9 has the ideal solution for those who have their data in Tally 72 and now want to use Tally.ERP 9. Tally ERP 9 provides a migration tool which helps the sour to migrate the data essay version and continue with day-to-day transactions. Tally 6.3 users can also use the tool which will rewrite the version to Tally 7.2 and then migrate the data to Tally.ERP 9 Tailly 8.1 users and Tally 9 Release 2.14 users can rewrite the version of their data to Tally ERP9 he latest. Types of Payroll

2.1.6 Features pertaining to Duties and Taxes 

  • The all-new package provides statutory reporting capability for VAT (Value Added Tax) Composite VAT, CST (Central Sales Tax). TDS (Tax Deducted at Source), ST (Service tax), TCS (Tax Collected at Source), FBT (Fringe Benefit Tax) 

  • State-specific statutory VAT returns and Annexes 
  • Various CST related reports 
  • Returns and charlatans for Service Tax 
  • TCS enabled with e-TCS capability, with facility for printing certificates Callahan 
  • Composition Monthly VAT Return 
  • Quarterly Return Form II, in the case of Excise Dealer 
  • Periodic FBT Callahan and Returns. Types of Payroll 

2.2 Getting Functional with Tally.ERP 9 
2.2.1 Tally.ERP 9 Start-up 
Tally ERP 9 can be started in any of the following ways : 

  • Click on Start > Programs> Tally.ERP 9> Taily.ERP 9 or double click on the Tally.ERP 9 icon on your desktop 
The welcome screen Tally.ERP 9 Power of Simplicity appears while the software loads. You will be ready to explore Tally ERP 9, the moment the Tally ERP 9 start up screen appears. Types of Payroll

The Tally.ERP 9 Start-up Screen appears as shown below: