Working with Multiple Companies in Tally erp9
2.3.3 Working with Multiple Companies
For a group of companies, you can maintain the details of each company separately. You can select the company to work with and close the company when it is not required. However, you can also open many companies at the same time and switch between companies without closing the application. Working with Multiple Companies
2.3.4 Exercise to Create another Company
Before looking at how to view and amend company details, let us create another company to experiment with. Name your company as Indus Enterprises, Financial Year as 1 April 2009 & Book beginning from 1 April 2009 and you may enter the company details as you like, Working with Multiple Companies
To create Indus Enterprises follow this procedure:
- From the buttons bar select Alt+ F3: Create Cmp or simply press Alt + F3 to bring up the Company Info. Menu .
- Select Create Company from the menu to bring up the Company Creation screen .
- Enter Indus Enterprises in the Name field and experiment with entering other data of your choice (for example, the address details)
- When you have finished, Press Y or Enter to accept the scree
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