Friday, 16 November 2018

Master Configuration / Accounts Masters | Tally erp9

Master Configuration / Accounts Masters | Tally erp9

Master Configuration / Accounts Masters | Tally erp9
Accts/Inventory Info  screen

Master Configuration 

Additional information can be configured by setting the options to Yes which will appear in the masters. accordingly. 

  • Allow ALIASES along with names: This configuration helps in identifying an account by another name. 
  • Allow Language ALIASES along with names: This configuration helps the user to give an alias in any local language. 

Accounts Masters 

  • Allow ADVANCED entries in Masters: This configuration displays the additional fields in the Accounting Masters such as. 
  • Group behaves like a Sub-Ledger? Set to Yes, the group behaves like a Control Account for the ledgers it contains, wherein only the group balance is displayed. This is useful while working on groups like the Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors (pre-set to Yes), where the ledger items are numerous 
  • Nett Debit/Credit Balances for Reporting? Set to Yes, this configuration displays the amount as a net figure instead of separate debit and credit balances as shown in the reports.
  • Use ADDRESSES for Ledger Accounts: This Field can be used for giving the address 
  • Use CONTACT DETAILS for Ledger Accounts: This Configuration gives the user a 
  • Add NOTES for Ledger accounts: This field helps the user to add the additional notes for and Income Tax Number of the ledger accounts opportunity to fill details like Contact person, Telephone, Fax, E-Mail etc ledger accounts. 

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