We can access all the configuration options for the Masters from the Gateway of Tally > F12 Configure>Accts/Inventory Info
Go to the Gateway of Tally>Accounts Info. > Groups> Create (Single Group)
Click on F12: Configure button and set Yes to:
- Allow ALIASES along with Names
- Allow Language ALIASES along with Names
- Allow ADVANCED entries in Masters
Accept the configuration screen and Tally.ERP 9 displays the Group Creation Screen in which you will notice additional information like:
1. Alias -This is a simple mechanism of identifying an account by another name.
2.Group behaves like a Sub-Ledger -The group behaves like a Control Account for the ledg- ers it contains when set to Yes. Only the group balance will be displayed, not the individual edger balances. It is useful for groups such as Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors (which are pre-set to Yes) where there can be numerous ledger items
3. Nett Debit/Credit Balances for Reporting-By setting this to Yes, amounts will be displayed as a net figure instead of separate debit and credit balances in reports.
Create Group
1. Name: Depreciation
2. (alias): Type Deprn and press Enter. This allows you to refer to the group by either name. You will notice that there is a field to enter a second alias if required. If you enter a name here, another alias field will be displayed, and so on. Tally uses the main name on all displays and reports, but this multiple alias facility is extremely useful for data entry.
3. Under: Select Primary from the list of Groups
4. Nature of Group: Select Expenses
Nature of Group is displayed when the new Group is created under a Primary Group. It helps to distinguish whether the group is a part of assets, liabilities, income or expenses, to identify the correct group for the Balance Sheet or Profit& Loss A/c
5. Does it affect Gross Profits?: No Since these are Expenses (and the same is true for Income) which affect the Profit & Loss A/c, Tally.ERP 9 needs to know if the group affects the gross profit. This field will not appear if you are adding a group to an existing group.
- For Primary Income and Expenses Groups, the field Does it affect Gross Profit? tells Tally ERP 9 whether the item is above or below the line in the Profit& Loss A/c in terms of its effect on the gross or net profit. Direct items are pre-set to Yes and indirect items to No.
6. Group behaves like a Sub-Ledger: No
7. Nett Debit/Credit Balances for Reporting: No.
8. Used for Calculation (eg. Taxes, Discounts): No
9. Method to Allocate when used in Purchase Invoice: Not Applicable